Runtu Guy is a dick, I can not do this anymore USA

Ðþíòþ Þðè
Runtu : “Guy’s a dick,” said /  / Grant, Brock’s companion. “What does he know about being a missionary here?”

Runtu /  / Guy is a dick, I can not do this anymore USA

Runtu: Don’t ignore me! / / I matter! Working around insanity … the USA

2008 - 2023 : Runtu Uri : Who is who : Uri Runtu family in Australia Canberra ACT / / Runtu New Material Project and Runtu Thermal Power Project : 2008 - 2023

In 2006, Runtu family /  / was identified as key hi-tech enterprise of China: France : Italy : Denmark : Finland : Sweden : Australia : UK : Canada : USA 2023

Runtu: a lot of speculation as to whether this ... the USA / / Joseph Smith? … the USA

2023 - Runtu: / / Vintage Runtu : You love funeral potatoes, fried scones, and ice cream, but you disdain coffee drinkers for being unhealthy … the USA 2008

Photo :  Þðè Ìýòòüþ Ðþíòþ: p. 1949 ( born 1949 : Russia}: Yuri Ryuntyu, Uri Runtu: Iouri Runtu: Washington DC : the USA

2023 àâòîð / / Ðþíòþ Þðè 17 Ëeò 2006-2023 íà Ïðîçà. Pó / / Àíãëî - Ôðàíêî è Póññêî-ÿçû÷íûé ïèñàòåëü è æóðíàëèñò : Þðèé Ðþíòþ / Uri Runtu / Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT : Australia /  Media TV Radio /  / 2023

2006 - 2024 / / Ïðîçà. ðó - ýòî Ãðàíäèîçíîå è Åäèíñòâåííîå íà ïëàíåòå Çåìëÿ - ßâëåíèå â Ìèðîâîé Êóëüòóðîëîãèè èç Ðîññèè - / / Media TV Radio : 2024

Ýòo ó÷èò : ðàñïîçíàâàòü ãíåâ äî åãî ïðåâðàùåíèÿ â íàñèëèå.
Ýòo ó÷èò : îáóçäûâàòü ÿðîñòü, åñëè îíà âñïûõèâàåò

2006 © Photo : St.-Petersburg : Russia 2006 / /. ß - Þðè Ìýòòüþ Ðþíòþ: p. 1949 ( born 1949 : Yuri Ryuntyu, Uri Runtu: Iouri Runtu: Canberra ACT Australia) è Ñåðãåé Íåêðàñîâ: p.1947 ( born 1947 : Dr. Sergei Nekrasov : D.Sc., Ph.D. Moscow Russia). Mîé êðèñòàëüíî ÷åñòíûé ðóññêèé äðóã - Äèðåêòîð Âñåðîññèéñêîãî Ìóçåÿ À.Ñ. Ïóøêèíà / b. Moscow 1799-1837 d. St.-Petersburg, Russia /, êòî ïðèíÿë - ÄÀÐ - äëÿ Ãëàâíîãî Ìóçåÿ Ðîññèè - " ÌÈÐÎÂÎÅ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÅ ÍÀÑËÅÄÈÅ ÐÓÄÎËÜÔÀ ÍÓÐÅÅÂÀ : ÐÎÑÑÈß - ÕÕ ÂÅÊ ": DVD-1 è DVD-2: 1-35 books: 15 000 pages: 4 000 photos: St.-Petersburg, Russia / / 2006

About Runtu: writer in Russia: USA: Australia: journalist in Australia and Russia and France: educator: ballet critic in Australia and Russia: theatre critic in Australia : playwright in Australia and Russia:

2023 © 18+ : Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò àâòîðàì, 2000-2023. Ïîðòàë ðàáîòàåò ïîä ýãèäîé Ðîññèéñêîãî ñîþçà ïèñàòåëåé. Èíòåëëåêòóàëüíàÿ Ýëèòà Äåìîêðàòè÷åñêîé Ðîññèè : 18+ Russia 2023.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : Þðè Ðþíòþ : " The general purpose of PROSE is to preserve language as it is spoken by the people. Language is the key to expressing civilization itself. The most complicated and mature language embodies the highest level of civilizations across time and history. It is how we view and remember events, a lingo to record the world around us. Here we stand for the history of Russian literature in Australia. This prose represents Australian citizens who still enjoy writing in the mother tongue of their Russian heritage. Anyway, this Russian-speaking literature belongs to Australian Modern Culture and flourishes equally alongside its Anglo-Saxon counterpart. The previous background of writers is pleasantly mixed with the new style of life they experience in Australia ". / / Iouri Runtu: French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Þðè Ðþíòþ : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Celebrities RU : the Neo-transcendental theatre : 2022.

‘ Back from the dead ’/ Denmark : Runtu Uri / Runtu / English : Ryuntyu Yuri / French : Iouri Runtu / Russian :  Ðþíòþ Þðè / Australia Canberra ACT / Bolivia : Mormon Missionary: USA : Washington D.C. / the USA / USA / US

Runtu: Not much to tell. I’m now in my 70s, have way too many kids, and live in the Washington, DC, area. I write for a living, but unless you consider technical writing creative, this is the only creative writing I do. Recently, I published an article in The Human Prospect and a book chronicling my experiences as a Mormon missionary in Bolivia.

2023 : Telegram : Runtu, Uri TikTok : " Why do we need these? " - Rudolf Nureyev asked. "Because we need life experience from these people and only on the basis of life experience can we make predictions for the future without states self-destruction and international wars..." - he underlined. "I wish good luck for Russia, but I would like to know the true colure of the future for such a great civilization with over one thousand year’s historical record. Please remember..." - he said. "We have in Russia two-hundred-year-old theaters, two hundred and fifty years of ballet and music as well as a great and the most fascinating literature and poetry to be found in the world which is over five hundred years old. Think about and be proud to keep this tradition well and fruitful from the beginning to the end of such a fascinating cultural project. I wish you good luck and God be with you." This Rudolf Nureyev said to me in Armidale ( NSW : Australia ) on November 23, 1991 " / / Iouri Runtu: French : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris / Þðè Ðþíòþ : Russian / Uri Runtu: English Yuri Ryuntyu / Celebrities RU : Håî-òðàíñöåíäåíòàëüíûé òåàòð : 2022.

Runtu : “Guy’s a dick,” said /  / Grant, Brock’s companion. “What does he know about being a missionary here?”

Runtu /  / Guy is a dick, I can not do this anymore USA

Runtu : “Guy’s a dick,” said /  / Grant, Brock’s companion. “What does he know about being a missionary here?”

Runtu /  / Guy is a dick, I can not do this anymore USA

The next day started with Beck trying really hard to stick with the program: up by 6:00, two hours of companionship study, and out on the streets knocking doors by 9:30.

I was beginning to think that the next 16 months were going to be just like the MTC: long and exhausting with a companion who would rigidly stick by every rule and regulation.

I started worrying that maybe I’d stop being myself; maybe I’d become what they seemed to want me to be in the MTC: a gospel-teaching machine.

When we got to lunch, we sat down at the table. The Galarreta kids were watching “Los Beverly Ricos” on the TV. Beck looked at me and let out a long sigh.

 “The heck with this. I can’t do this anymore.” With that, he called the oldest kid over and said, “Can you go down to the corner tienda and get us a liter of Coke?”

Suddenly, I relaxed. He was human after all, and I was going to be OK. I wasn’t going to become a machine, after all. By evening, I was tired, and my nose was badly sunburned, but Beck and I were starting to become friends.

After dinner, we had no appointments, so we sat on a low wall by a concert basketball court at the edge of town, talking as the sun went down over the western range of the Andes. We could see lightning way off in the distance toward the southwest. “It must be raining somewhere in Peru,” Beck said.

We talked about our homes, our families, where we went to school (me to BYU, Beck to Utah), and what we wanted to do when we got home; he told me not to think about that, as I had a lot longer left than he did.

After a while we just sat in silence, watching the distant storm reflected in the snowy peaks.

At 8:00 a loudspeaker suddenly squawked, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Just wait,” laughed Beck. “You’ll see.”

The local Catholic priest began his Thursday night program, his Spanish delivered in a cheerfully heavy German accent.

He gave a few minutes of inspirational message and then began strumming his guitar….

Somehow his singing and praising God had destroyed the mood. The moon was rising over Illimani as we walked back to the apartment.

It was especially cold tonight, and when we got home, I finally pulled my down jacket from my suitcase and put it on.

“Where on earth did you get that?” asked Beck, suddenly not so smug in his warm chullu.

“A guy in my German class at BYU told me it was the one thing I should bring. I’d never be sorry I had it.”

And I never was. I wore it every day in La Paz. Yes, it was against mission rules, but I figured I was still dressed nicer than most of the people we saw every day. I even had a couple of missionaries offer to buy it from me. Nothing doing. That warm jacket saved me during that cold La Paz winter.

“We’re doing a split today,” announced Beck when I got back from bathing. “I have to do an interview in Rio Seco, so you get to work with Henderson.” Didn’t matter to me since I had no idea who that was.

We got dressed. On the way to the bus, we took a detour to the runway at the airport. As an Eastern Airlines jet took off, Beck did a strange sort of two-handed salute.

“What was that?” I asked.

“It’s tradition. When you see a plane take off, you salute with as many fingers as you have months left. I’m down to three hands, but you’re still on four. You’re never getting out of here,” he laughed.

We took the bus to La Ceja, where we met Henderson and his companion, Wolf Gramm, a guy who had been in my “culture class” at the MTC just a few weeks before.

Henderson and I got back on the bus. I wasn’t sure what to make of him: shorter than I am (and I’m pretty short), rail thin and sunburned (like everyone else), Henderson looked like he should still be in junior high.

We rode about 5 minutes before he said anything to me. “I hate Bolivians!” he said. “Bunch of cocksuckers, every god-damned one of them.”

I just sat there, staring at him, and hoping nobody on the bus spoke English.

We had one appointment that morning, so when we got off the bus, we went to a house where Beck and his previous companion had been teaching three teenagers: two girls and their younger brother.

They wouldn’t let us in because they didn’t know either one of us, so I said, “I guess we have nothing better to do than knock doors.”

“Screw that,” said Henderson. We ended up going to the corner store and buying a couple of Cokes and some alfajores from Argentina.

At lunch he actually liked the French fry soup and the stew (which Beck had begun calling “dark, filthy, and loathsome stew,” in honor of a well-known passage in the Book of Mormon).

It was better than what they were eating, he said. I didn’t think I wanted to know what they were eating.

After lunch we got back on the bus and rode to Henderson’s area. Wolf Gramm opened the door and immediately asked, “Do you remember how that guy in culture class said that everyone had running water and electricity and that there were no open sewers? Well, we don’t have running water or electricity. See that bucket over there? That’s our toilet, and every time I use it, I have to take it outside and dump it into the open sewer that runs in front of our house.

If I ever see that guy again, I’m going to beat the crap out of him.”

On the bus back to Villa Adela, we met some German tourists.

They asked in very broken English if we knew where their friend the priest lived.

In my broken German (two semesters’ worth from BYU), I told them how to get to the little chapel with the big loudspeakers.

Across the street from the apartment, a movie was playing at a small brick building ironically named “Gran Cine Ross.”

All evening the wind battered the windows, though I could hear bits of movie dialogue and laughter when the wind changed direction.

They sounded happier than I was.

But all in all, I was OK. I was surviving ...

Runtu : “Guy’s a dick,” said /  / Grant, Brock’s companion. “What does he know about being a missionary here?”

Runtu /  / Guy is a dick, I can not do this anymore USA

Runtu /  / along a wrought-iron fence in front the USA

Stanford University Library Bio àâòîð Ðþíòþ Þðè

Ðþíòþ Þðè: ëèòåðàòóðíûé äíåâíèê

2023 - / / - Iouri Runtu: French / Þðè Ðþíòþ : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU
National / / Library of Australia : 100 Books by Uri Runtu / / 1995-2023
NLA Canberra Australia / / 2000-2023 / / 1993-2023
SUL : Stanford University : Library / / Stanford, California 94305 USA

2023 Runtu : Runtu Uri /  / Germany Yorkshire Group : Who is who Uri Runtu family in Canberra ACT AU 2023

2023 Ðþíòþ Þðè: Runtu : ëèòåðàòóðíûé äíåâíèê  /  / 2023

2008 - 2023 : Runtu Uri : Who is who : Uri Runtu family in Australia Canberra ACT / / Runtu New Material Project and Runtu Thermal Power Project : 2008 - 2023

In 2006, Runtu was identified as key hi-tech enterprise of China: France : Italy : Denmark : Finland : Sweden : Australia : UK : Canada : USA 2023

Runtu ranks the 13th on top 500 China's Big Group Competitiveness announced by National Bureau of Statistics and ranks the 1st on top 10 enterprise of independent innovation ability industry of national big-medium-scale industrial enterprise decided by National Bureau of Statistics.

Runtu announced its public listing on July 6 of 2010 in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (Security code is 002440):  Runtu : Germany Yorkshire Group.

2023 - Ðóññêî-ÿçû÷íàÿ Êóëüòóðà â Àâñòðàëèè : Telegram : Àâòîð íà Ïðîçà.Ðó : Êòî è îòêóäà Þðè Ðþíòþ / / : Ðîäèëñÿ : 1949 Ðîññèÿ - Æèâåò è Ðàáîòàåò : ñ 1980 : Àâñòðàëèÿ Ôðàíöèÿ ÑØÀ : Iouri Runtu: French : / / Håî-òðàíñöåíäåíòàëüíûé òåàòð : Àâñòðàëèÿ ISBN 978-1-925278-36-1 Canberra Australia 2022

Gaining the access to the capital market is a milestone for Runtu to enter capital market; it is a new beginning for Runtu to face encourages, challenges and opportunities.

Zhejiang Runtu Co., Ltd. has taken acquisition of Jiangsu Mingsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.

In 2011,this action has help Runtu extending its chain of strategic industries; the acquisition of Germany Yorkshire Group has laid a solid foundation for Runtu to implement its "going out" strategy.
The year 2012 is a great year for the investment and development of Runtu. We will invest more than CNY 1.5 billion in the construction of Runtu New Material Project and Runtu Thermal Power Project in the near future.

Runtu now is working hard to expand business, and striving for getting steady and fast development continuously.

Runtu aims to be a responsible Group both for enterprise and society, and strives to make Runtu a company with "a century history", and a flag of Chinese brands.

All Runtu people are working hard to make their-own contributions to the development of Chinese industry!